Los Altos Robotics Tournament Volunteer Roles
This page describes the volunteer roles for the 2011 Los Altos FLL scrimmage and tournament.
It takes a lot of people to help us run the teams and make the tournament a success.
We will need help again this year. The team registration forms provide a place to volunteer to help your child's team. You may also contact the volunteer coordinator, Linda Ren
LindaRengmail.com, directly. Let her know which coach and team you represent or if you are not associated with a specific team. Also, please list your phone number in case we need to contact you. Linda can also be reached at 650-450-0546.
Most of the tournament roles are available to parents and people who know the players. Some roles, such as judges, are only appropriate for volunteers who do NOT know the players.
You should select more than one opportunity in case your first choice is taken. You may also decide to split a role with another person who represents your team so that you don't have to do it the entire time. Work this out with that person yourself.
If something happens and you cannot do the role, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO FIND A REPLACEMENT AND NOTIFY THE VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR, Linda Ren, ABOUT ANY CHANGES. Every year we have some volunteers who don't show up at all. This is the worst scenario, because we have to scramble to fill the role in the middle of running the tournament. Los Altos Robotics reserves the right to deny participation at either the scrimmage or the tournament to a team that has not provided a volunteer for the event.
All of the Master Score Keeper, Assistant Score Keeper, Event Marshal, Table Transport, Announcer, Time Keeper, and Judges positions below are event day commitments only. Some of the positions require preparation time to be spent before the events. These event days are great fun for all involved. So please sign up for volunteer spots now. You can sign up for more than one position. Please tell us if you can only volunteer for the scrimmage or local competition. We have a lot of materials from previous years to help make all of these jobs easier.
Assistant Tournament Director | Responsible for helping to make the Scrimmage and Local Competition happen and be successful. [Requires being an active board member.] |
Any Tournament Day Job | This person is willing to do any tournament day job such as Master Score Keeper, Assistant Score Keeper, Event Marshal, Table Transport, Announcer, Time Keeper, and Judges. [Many needed. No experience required.] |
Referee | The Referees watch the 2.5 minute matches to make sure the teams follow the rules and do the scoring on the field (the score keeper tracks the scores for the event) It takes two or three referees at the competition and the Head Referee has the final say. [Two required per event location table. Requires FLL rules knowledge and experience.] |
Score Sheet Creator | Create the scoring spreadsheet and posters for the events. One required per event location. |
Master Score Keeper | Keeps the score on tournament day. One required per event location. |
Assistant Score Keeper | Assists the Master Score Keeper keep the score on tournament day. Two required per event location. |
Score Runner | Transfers scores from competition tables to score keepers. Two required per event location. |
Event Marshal | Responsible for organizing the spectators so that as many as possible can see the action and responsible for overall safety and order on tournament day. Two required per event location. |
Boy Scout or Girl Scout Volunteer Manager | Works with Boy Scout Troop and/or Girl Scout Troops to get Volunteers. The scouts reset the playing field and take the scores from the tables to the score keeper. Scouts also do the flag ceremony. One required per event location. |
Room Setup | Helps set up chairs, bleachers, pit tables, power cords, competition tables, and displays the morning before the scrimmage and tournament 5-6 required per event. |
Table Transport | Transportation of playing fields, mats, and game pieces from Los Altos Coaches Homes to the events and return them after the events. Table Transport is provided ONLY FOR COACHES WHO HAVE NO OTHER MEANS OR PARENTS TO TRANSPORT THEIR TABLES. We expect most teams to transport their own tables. Two required per event. |
Certificate Maker | Create and print certificates for the event. We give out certificates rather than trophies. One required per event location. |
Announcer | Announce which team is up and which team is on deck. Start the match by making sure the teams are ready and counting down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go. Give 1 Minute, 30 second, and 15, 10, 9, 8, ? 1, Stop countdown. Also provides match commentary. [Two required per event. The announcer also adds some color commentary.] |
Press Contact | Writes up and submits announcements for School news letter like the Notes from Oak. Notifies the local paper of the event so that it appears in the news paper and reports to them about the results of the competition. One needed for the scrimmage and tournament. |
Time Keeper | Starts the timer for a match and lets the Announcer know when the match is about over so the Announcer or the Time Keeper can count down the last few seconds. One required per event location. |
Team and Volunteer Check-in | Records arrivals of teams and volunteers at scrimmage and competition. Verifies paperwork is complete, answers questions on schedules, locations, and procedures. Two required at each event. |
Volunteer Snacks | Provides healthy snacks for volunteers at the scrimmage and the competition. One required at each event. |
Photographer / Videographer | Takes pictures and videos to record scrimmage and competition. One required at each event. |
Queuing | Ensures that teams are "on-deck" before competitions and judging. 1-2 required for scrimmage, 5-6 required for competition |