This is the folder where we keep resources from the 2011 season. This includes announcement, training materials, and competition materials. The newest files are at the bottom.
Used to generate tournament schedules. Call it with "make" which used the "Makefile" and generates "11_MatchTimes_16opt.pdf" and "11_MatchPairings_16opt.pdf".
Announcements, schedule, match rules, and pit table and practice field guidance.
Los Altos Robotics 2011 FLL Tournament Announcement Handout
Announcements, schedule, match rules, and pit table and practice field guidance.
Spread sheet used during the competition. It is an impressive spread sheet with lots of cool features written by Steve Putz.
Tournament email sent to the teams telling them what to expect - from Derek.
Competition Schedule as of November 12, 2011 - from Steve Putz.