This is the folder where we keep resources from the 2012 season. This includes announcement, training materials, and competition materials. The newest files are at the bottom.
August 2012 Announcement Flyer: The Los Altos Robotics 2012 First LEGO League Flyer (PowerPoint version) advertises the availability of the FLL program to children in Los Altos and Los Altos Hills. It has all of the key dates and events for the 2012 season. Feel free to distribute it to anyone you think might benefit from seeing it, such as potential team members and coaches.
August 2012 Announcement Flyer: The Los Altos Robotics 2012 First LEGO League Flyer (PowerPoint version) advertises the availability of the FLL program to children in Los Altos and Los Altos Hills. It has all of the key dates and events for the 2012 season. Feel free to distribute it to anyone you think might benefit from seeing it, such as potential team members and coaches.
Slides from the September 4 Parent Orientation meeting. Thanks to Betsy Atler and Peter Stanley for a great presentation and the Mountain View High School Spartan Robotics team for hosting this meeting.
Slides from the September 4 Parent Orientation meeting. Thanks to Betsy Atler and Peter Stanley for a great presentation and the Mountain View High School Spartan Robotics team for hosting this meeting.
Final scores from the October 21, 2012 Scrimmage held at Blach School
Table of individual mission scores for every run by each team at the 2012 scrimmage
Describes the day's events, schedule, rules, judging, what to bring, etc. Normally sent out on TigerBots and posted once the schedule is set, at least a week before the tournament.
Team judging and mission run schedule for November 18, 2012 Los Altos tournament.
Script used at the tournament to announce the volunteer awardees and why they received the awards
2012 Tournament scoring details per mission for every team - from Steve Putz
Script used at the tournament to announce the volunteer awardees and why they received the awards. From Derek Witte
List of certificates given out at the tournament. Also the list of volunteers verbally recognized at the tournament. From Derek Witte